Monday 14 December 2015

Unsuitable Digital & Social Media Marketing Approaches

Unsuitable Digital & Social Media Marketing Approaches:

There are two digital communication approaches that Labella will not be using as it would be enviable for the business. The first approach  is emailing potential customers about the products and services. According to The Marketer, 48% of all emails to customer are opened of smartphones, out of which 38% are not even optimized for these devices as it is an added cost. The added expense of converting a website and email format to smartphones as such, will no be a viable digital communications strategy for Labella. The second and final digital communications approach that Labella will not be using is are black-hat SEO tactics. As Google, the most widely used search globally has been upgraded multiple times it has been equipped to deter these tactics and make them obsolete. While keywords help users find what they need, Google is getting more advanced and can easily identify the relevance of any keywords used on any website, making these SEO tactics out-dated.

Amara Siddique – 13119840
Saman Siddique – 13119841
Rana Waleed Altaf – 10415971

Rafia Nasim – 13157310

Suitable Digital & Social Media Marketing Approaches

There are many digital and social media approaches but the main approaches which will be considered by La Bella should be those paid approaches which are suitable for the chosen target audiences mentioned before.
As we have mentioned that one of our target audience are going to be young beauty bloggers living in Manchester. These girls care for their hair and beauty at home and search for relevant YouTube tutorials. They will be searching for YouTube video tutorials in relation to makeup, hair colouring or hair cutting. Those videos will have La Bella's advertisement before they start and will be considered as YouTube ads. This approach will confirm that whenever people will try to search for any sort of beauty related videos, they will get to see our advert before the searched video starts. In this case people who are interested in beauty, care and hair treatments such as the young bloggers, will get to know about our business easily. This approach will not only target the young bloggers but also all those customers who look for beauty related videos on YouTube. This target audience can also involve mid/old age women and even beauty specialists who need more ideas and search for videos.  Secondly, the people behind those YouTube tutorial uploads will get our special discount offers and specific hair care products for free if they will advertise our business.
Consumers who are interested in discount offers make their accounts on websites such as,, and receive relevant information in regards to discount offers available. Those people who have selected hair salon discount offers will receive our special discount offers. In this way we will be directly targeting those customers who are interested in hair cutting and hair care salons. Later on, our target audience will get to know about our business and home care service, which will attract them even more. This is how we will target older and disabled people as well apart from young bloggers, girls, boys, ladies and men. Older people may not be willing to go out and might search for relevant discount offers at home. 

Amara Siddique – 13119840
Saman Siddique – 13119841
Rana Waleed Altaf – 10415971
Rafia Nasim – 13157310

Our main audiences.

Appropriate approaches for segmentation:

Labella will be using different segmentation approaches in order to identify their target audience. Behavioural targeting can be used to identify our target market as people respond and react differently in different situations. People may respond differently on special occasions towards hair care or they may have different buying behaviours. Some are price conscious whereas others are not.  This approach will help us identify our target audience based upon their Behaviours.
Location based segmentation is another approach which can be used as the service being provided operates through an App which is why identifying places, specific websites and social sites would help identify our target audience. In addition, finding information such as what people may 'Type' on searching engines in order to identify our Service.

In addition, people have different values, interest, beliefs and attitudes towards a service or product. People who are conscious about their hair might get a hair care treatment done every two weeks whereas others wouldn't want to get a haircut for the next 6 months. Therefore using psychographic segmentation would allow the agency to identify how to target customers with different psychographic qualities towards  hair care.

Appropriate target audience for our PSO:
The segmentation approaches identified will help us find who our target market is. Our main audience will be people living in Manchester. Women and men that are more conscious about their beauty and hair will be targeted as they might want to someone to do their hair and beauty treatment at home. Existing customers of Toni&guy also be targeted as they can get the same service and products at home instead of having to go the physical store. Moreover , as the services will be provided at home working men and women will be targeted as they might not get enough time to go to salons to pamper themselves, the service will provide them beauty and hair care at home while they’re relaxing. Older people and disabled people are another target audience of Labella as they may not be able to go out very often therefore getting this service at home will be very convenient for them.
Labella will also target beauty bloggers who are interested in trying new things related to beauty by sending them product samples, this can then further lead to the promotion of the business if these bloggers share their experience with their followers. The company will be targeting audience by their buying behaviors which mean that the business will be targeting audience that are hair conscious and are always looking for new hairstyles and are not very price conscious.
Social media is another great way to target people based on their interest for beauty and hair care which includes social platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram.

Amara Siddique: 13119840
Rana Waleed Altaf: 10415971
Saman Siddique: 13119841
Rafia Nasim: 13157310